Our market maps provide details of your competitors including team structures and profiles of individuals – this type of targeted insight has many variations and many more applications. Our market maps provide details of your competitors including team structures and profiles of individuals – this type of targeted insight has many variations and many more applications.

The market could be domestic, international or global whilst the specifics of the market may mean we are looking at just 10 people globally or hundreds within one area. We may be simply providing a comprehensive long list or creating detailed profiles of the Top 50 experts in a particular specialism; the outputs are driven by your business requirements.

Please have a look at the case studies below.

Comfortably the best informed and most commercially-minded recruitment professionals that I have dealt with. First class.

Investment Bank

Managing Director

Hard working, committed and extremely customer focussed. I would recommend Integral to anyone looking for a dedicated provider of international searches.

International Retail Bank

HR Partner

The team took a great deal of time to understand my requirements. This enabled us to dramatically reduce the time and effort we put into candidate screening and the interview process.

Global Healthcare Firm

Programme Director

The market could be domestic, international or global whilst the specifics of the market may mean we are looking at just 10 people globally or hundreds within one area. We may be simply providing a comprehensive long list or creating detailed profiles of the Top 50 experts in a particular specialism; the outputs are driven by your business requirements.

Some potential applications:

  • A basic market map allows clients with their own recruitment resources to approach candidates directly
  • A breakdown of competitor department size and structure is a useful strategy benchmark
  • Providing a market overview allows our clients to assess whether their departmental growth plans and resourcing expectations are realistic
  • The insight we gather during the research process includes market opinion on our clients’ personnel and strategy – a true 360-degree review
  • We can identify and profile market leaders, top performers and rising stars

Contact us to discuss how market mapping could work for you.


If you would like further information about our services in Market Mapping, please contact us.

Integral Search