Our Mission

We believe that by harnessing diversity of thought and experience across our company, exceptional things happen. We continually strive for a highly diverse workforce and an inclusive culture where everyone feels valued, listened to and able to discover their personal best.

In 2022, we will achieve this through…

Inclusive Leadership & Culture

✓ Leadership from the top: every leader owns and drives our D&I

✓ Cultural Audit to inform leadership & culture strengths, gaps & opportunities.

✓ Development of leadership capabilities against our Leadership Success Model; which we hire, develop & promote against.

✓ Visible & authentic leadership communications

✓ Succession planning to ensure 1-2 quality successors for all key leadership roles with 40% of successors being women

Equal Working Practices

✓ Audit our working practices and identify improvements to create a more inclusive workplace:

  • Recruitment
  • Compensation
  • Performance
  • Development & Promotion
  • Inclusive meeting practice.
  • Workplace policies including parental leave, flexible working, code of conduct, harassment & discrimination.

Our People’s

✓ Listening sessions with employees to stay connected to what is important to them.

✓ Employee affinity networks to connect and represent key diverse communities; for example women, LGTBQ+, Ethnicity, people with disability, youth.